Travel Guide
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- Travel Guide
Travel expenses incurred by employees are reimbursable if they are necessary to perform a valid university business purpose, are reasonable in amount and allowable under state and university policy.
Meal, incidental and lodging expenses
Meal and incidental expense (M&IE)
M&IE (Meal and Incidental Expense) and lodging reimbursement are based on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) published federal rates. The reimbursement rate is based on the location of business travel.
The standard daily M&IE rate is $68/day, but may be higher when traveling to non-standard or international rate locations.
M&IE is reduced based on departure and return times as well as meals provided at no cost to the employee. Meals provided to employees at conferences and events are reduced, regardless of employee's decision to participate.
Meal reduction for departure and return days
Time of Departure | Quarter Day | Day of Departure | Day of Return |
12:00 am–5:59 am |
Quarter 1 |
100% |
25% |
6:00 am–11:59 am |
Quarter 2 |
75% |
50% |
12:00 pm–5:59 pm |
Quarter 3 |
50% |
75% |
6:00 pm–11:59 pm |
Quarter 4 |
25% |
100% |
Meal reduction for meals provided/not claimed
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | |
Reimbursed % of Daily M&IE |
15% |
35% |
50% |
One-Day travel
Single-meal reimbursement for one-day travel may be authorized by the department in limited situations, at the reduced meal allowance rates indicated previously, if the following conditions are met:
A) A meal was not provided at no cost to the employee.
B) The employee was conducting business 30 miles or more from the official station, and
C) The employee’s workday was extended 3 or more hours beyond the regularly scheduled work day (typically 8am-5pm).
Lodging expenses
The standard daily lodging reimbursement rate is up to $110/day, based on the base rate (does not include taxes and fees), adjusting to higher amounts for nonstandard and international locations.
The daily lodging expense limitations may be exceeded by an additional 50% with authorized department approval. International lodging may be paid up to amount incurred if approved by an authorized department approver.
Actual conference lodging may be paid without limit if approved by authorized department approver and documentation provided to show the business need (i.e. evidence showing it was a designated business meeting location).
Lodging purchased with a traveler's university procurement card may include the standard room rate charge and applicable taxes and fees. In addition, hotel parking fees and internet fees may be included when an additional business purpose is provided . All other incidental charges should be paid separately by the traveler.
Tips for hotel staff, such as bellhops and housekeeping, are considered part of the M&IE and are not reimbursable.
Transportation expenses
Airfare is deemed the most economical mode of transportation when traveling to destinations outside of the State of Kansas. Generally, business class and first-class are not the most economical and are not reimbursable rates. If business class or first-class are used, a business reason, confirmation of accommodation requirement or a cost comparison showing it was at or lower the basic airfare rate must be provided.
If a traveler chooses to drive rather than fly to a destination, a cost comparison needs to be completed in advance when such travel is to a destination that is 400 miles or more from the traveler's official station, or official domicile; whichever is less. The cost comparison showing the justification will be required to accompany the reimbursement request.
Airline tickets for travel may be purchased by booking directly through concur or with an Anthony travel agent. In addition, airfare can also be charged to an employee’s personal credit card; however, the traveler will NOT be reimbursed for that airfare until after the travel has occurred. When a traveler is combining a personal leg(s) of travel and business travel, the employee must either pay for personal portion separately or pay the full amount with personal funds and seek reimbursement for the business portion after the travel is complete. The BPC cannot be used to pay for airfare where a personal leg or personal destination is included in the trip. Reimbursement for travel paid for on a personal credit card requires the passenger copy of the airline ticket or a copy of the booked itinerary from the Internet.
Mileage reimbursement for use of privately owned conveyance
Automobiles | $0.67/mi. |
Motorcycles | $0.65/mi. |
Planes | $1.76/mi. |
Mileage reimbursement rates are determined by the IRS established rate, published on January 1st of each calendar year. Mileage allowed within Kansas for motorcycles and automobiles is based on the most direct route as calculated on Google Maps. Mileage allowed for out-of-state travel is based on Google Maps and mileage for privately owned airplanes should use air mile distance (as the crow flies) by using
Vicinity miles are reimbursable when the beginning and ending destination are recorded on an expense report.
Car Rental
All rental cars for employee business travel must be booked through the Concur booking tool using a personal payment method or a university card issued to the employee. Discounted rates will be applied at the time of booking. Discounted car rental rates are available through Enterprise and National. Book your rental car through Concur to obtain the discounted price.
In accordance with travel policies, the most economical mode of transportation must be used when traveling. Compact, standard, and mid-size cars generally accommodate a traveler’s business needs and are available at the most economical rate. An official itemized receipt for the rental car must be submitted with all payment vouchers.
Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) are automatically included in the coverage when paying for most rental cars with a university provided credit card, and should be declined. Please reference the Commercial Card Travel and Emergency Assistance Services detail included with your card. For questions about vehicles covered by the card please call 1-800-348-8472.
For additional support, please contact our rental account manager, Tamie May by email at or phone at 417-392-1032.
Accident Reporting
When using the Procurement Card, if you are involved in an accident or the rental vehicle is stolen, call 1-800-348-8472 and the rental company immediately to report the theft or damage. All incidents should be reported immediately following the theft or damage, but in no event later than forty-five (45) days following the date of theft or damage. Failure to report within 45 days will result in your department paying for all damages to the rental vehicle.
Personal Payment Method
If using a personal payment method, CDW/LDW may be reimbursed. Personal Effects Insurance (PEI) (university property only) may be chosen and/or reimbursed if needed for business reasons. All other insurances are not reimbursable.
Cashless Tolling
KTA Cashless Tolling will take effect on July 1, 2024. Please be aware of the following concerning tolls when traveling for business on behalf of the university.
Are you using a K-State motor pool vehicle?
Do nothing, all K-State motor pool vehicles are equipped with KTAG!
No. I’m using my department’s university (State) vehicle.
If the vehicle being used has a KTAG or compatible transponder then no action is needed.
If no KTAG or compatible transponder is associated with the vehicle the department may set up a account and add the vehicle.
- Existing KTAG online accounts, will convert to accounts automatically.
- Method of payment must be added to a DriveKS account to temporarily add the license plate number of the vehicle being used.
No. I’m using a rental car.
For the State contracted rental car company - Enterprise/National:
- Within the State of Kansas drivers will be automatically enrolled in Enterprise Mobility’s TollPass program simply by driving on Kansas toll roads. Enterprise will assess charges to the method of payment used to pay for the rental. Renters will be charged for the cost of all tolls plus a TollPass Convenience Charge (TCC) of $4.95 - $5.35 for every usage day; the TCC will not exceed $26.75 for the rental period. The customer will be charged the TCC along with the cost of tolls incurred after they return the vehicle, usually 10 – 15 days (about 2 weeks), separate from the other rental charges. To obtain receipts or additional information, please visit: or call 1-877-765-5201.
- Rentals in certain regions of the US may have additional options available. See the TollPass Program Overview (pdf) for details
- Other Rental Car Providers
- Please check with the provider to see what their tolling options are in the areas you are traveling.
No. I’m using my privately owned vehicle.
Drivers who do not have a KTAG or compatible transponder will be billed by KTA using the registration information associated with the vehicle’s license plate.
Because toll rates are 50% less for KTAG holders, we strongly encourage K-State travelers to obtain a KTAG before travel by registering at .
Drivers with a KTAG will be billed as usual, at a discounted rate.
Additional Resources:
Kansas Turnpike Authority FAQs
Drive Kansas Introduction video
Memberships and conference expenses
Memberships purchased in conjunction with conference registrations should be in KSU's name and the address of the department. If the membership is purchased in the name of an individual, a clear benefit to the University must be given with the request for reimbursement to determine if it will meet state and KSU guidelines.
Tours, banquets, etc. are reimbursable with an explanation indicating the business purpose of attending event and/or how this assists the mission of Kansas State University.
Not reimbursable
- Laundry charges, unless extended stay of 5 days or more
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Tips for meals and hotel staff
- Gifts, donations or contributions
- Ground transportation or vicinity mileage for personal meals
- Insurance or ticket protectors on airfare, unless clear business purpose provided and supported by department authorization.
Additional resources
Policies and procedures